

  curiosity 好奇心
  dependable/trustworthy 值得信赖的
  coverage 覆盖面
  make headlines, newsworthy 成为头版头条; 有新闻价值的
  informative, entertaining 信息量大的; 娱乐的
  privacy, violate/intrude on/infringe on someone's privacy 隐私; 侵犯某人隐私
  ratings 评分
  go viral /all the rage 变得流行
  journalists/the press 记者;报刊,新闻界
  groupies, icon, make a splash 追星族; 偶像; 产生轰动
  clarify, censorship 澄清; 审查
  blow things out of proportion, exaggerate things 夸大事实
  commercial, flyer, billboard, poster, tabloid 电视广告; 传单; 广告牌;海报;小报
  quiz show, reality show, talk show, variety show 智力竞争节目; 真人秀; 脱口秀; 综艺节目
  sitcom, soap opera, current affairs 情景喜剧; 肥皂剧; 实事
  the print media/the electronic media 纸媒; 电子媒体
  be awash with/be inundated with/be saturated with sth. 被……所充斥
  delete/eliminate/excise 删除
  excessive/gratuitous violent and pornographic contents 过量的暴力和色情内容
  misleading/misrepresented/distorted 误导的,扭曲的
  celebrities, scandals 名人;丑闻
  up‐to-?date/up‐to-?the-?minute 最新的
  code of ethics/code of conduct 道德准则,行为准则
  ubiquitous/prevalent 无所不在的
  high-profile, low-?profile 高调,低调
  fabricated, absurd/ludicrous 编造的;荒谬的