控制好事情的优先级 而不是控制好你的时间(在线收听

 Your to-do list is crammed full and you only have so many hours in the day. How can you ever get it all done? For starters, stop trying to figure out how to fit everything in. Instead, focus on the high-priority tasks that matter.

As advice site The Muse explains, many of us often feel like we have to get everything on our list done or else simply by virtue of it being on our list. We’ll build our schedules around crossing the most items off our list, while still feeling overwhelmed. Instead, work on the most important things on your list and get comfortable with some less important tasks falling by the wayside:
控制好事情的优先级 而不是控制好你的时间
All of this has given rise to a new school of time management, one concerned with zeroing in on your most important priorities, doing them well, and eliminating everything else—including keeping crazy hours. “The wrongheaded notion that you can manage time and that by managing it you’ll get a ton of stuff done, cross everything off your to-do list, and live this superhuman life really just sets people up for disappointment and failure,” says Brigid Schulte, the author of Overwhelmed: Work, Love, and Play When No One Has the Time. “What you can manage are your priorities and your expectations of what you do in time.”