英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0701 - 寄人篱下的日子(在线收听

Topic 1-Real Name Required for Further Use of Alipay and Wechat Payment
According to the Central Bank, users of Alipay and WeChat are required to authenticate themselves with real names amongst other methods before July 1, in order to get a higher balance payment limit on these third party payment platforms. Why is the move?
Topic 2-Host Family Problems for Oversea Chinese Students
With more Chinese students going oversea to pursue high school education, one problem is becoming increasingly salient. They are having cultural problems with the host families charged with looking after them.
These Chinese students need to stay with a local host family, as they are too young to live independently.
Topic 3-Why You are Single?
A counselor from Hubei University of Technology becomes a celebrity online recently for the summer vacation homework she assigned. The topic of the assignment is "Why you are single".   