
The Senior Prom -- Adulthood Ceremony
As the school year winds down, many senior students of school across the nation will not just be starting another summer of holidays to provide a break during semesters.
Many will be leaving their safe havens of senior public school and taking their first step into the world of adulthood, attending fast-paced, crowded universities, taking up part-time or full-time employment.
他们中的许多人将离开高中的避风港,跨出成年的第一步: 有的人会进入快节奏,拥挤的大学继续深造,有的人则会开始做全职或者兼职的工作。
Many may even move from family homes in their pursuit of educational fulfillment or the "perfect" job opportunity. Many young people are preparing to move on to new lives in the world, with new responsibilities, new environments, new peers and new dreams.
One ritual that has become part of coming of age has been the senior prom. Just before the graduation ceremonies of many high schools, or following closely behind graduation events,
the senior prom is an opportunity for youth to celebrate the entrance into the world of adulthood with color and formality. However, there is far more behind the social event than ever noticed.
What is formal? Formal means to present one's self to others in a way which is "with form", with shape, polite, inoffensive and dignified.
We see the example of a formal letter, it uses proper grammar and sentence structure in order to be respectful, while at the same time serving a purpose or getting an important message across.