
In our society, what is formal? Very little. On average, clothing, language, behavior -- all is very informal. Individuals who are formal (polite, inoffensive, organized) in their daily dealings with people are often looked upon as boring.
Yet in certain situations, individuals play with the concept of formality not truly to achieve respectfulness and order but because it becomes fashionable to do so.
While a prom may seem, on the surface, like a fun opportunity to behave formally, it is actually a flowery version of Halloween.
On the occasion of the spring prom, we see flowering youth taking on the formalities of "adult". Fine dress (most of the students who attend the senior prom rent expensive tuxedoes) or purchase high quality suits or gowns for the occasion),
careful makeup (spending hours in front of a mirror or at a hair salon in order to look just right), fancy toys (limousines line the streets outside of dance halls on the night of the prom) all become part of being an adult.
精致的妆容(为了更好看她们花好几小时在镜前化妆或是去美发沙龙做头发), ,漂亮的玩意儿(毕业舞会当晚,大厅外面停放许多豪车), 都成了他们跨入成年的一部分。
In many ways, adults in society should examine their own behavior for wrongly displaying these types of objects as being "adult" to younger people.
In our society we have a wrong idea of what adulthood actually is. It has always been my understanding that adulthood and maturity are not based upon one's ability to hold a cigarette in a certain way or tie a bow tie.
Adulthood comes with understanding of one's place in the universe; it comes with the knowledge of how to interact with our fellow human beings; it comes with the ability to take responsibility for one's own actions -- whether good or bad.
成年意味着一个人懂得自己在茫茫宇宙占据一席之地; 学到了如何与其他人交往的技巧; 学会为自己或好或坏的行为去负责任。