
 To this day I remember my mums letters.

It all started in December 1941.
事情要从 1941 年 12月说起。
Every night she sat at the big table in the kitchen and wrote to my brother Johnny, who had been drafted that summer.
We had not heard from him since the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.
I didnt understand why my mum kept writing Johnny when he never wrote back.
Wait and see-well get a letter from him one day, she claimed.
可母亲还是坚持说: 等着瞧吧,总有一天他会给我们回信的。
Mum said that there was a direct link from the brain to the written word that was just as strong as the light God has granted us.
She trusted that this light would find Johnny.
I dont know if she said that to calm herself, dad or all of us down.
But I do know that it helped us stick together, and one day a letter really did arrive.
Johnny was alive on an island in the Pacific.
I had always been amused by the fact that mum signed her letters, Cecilia Capuzzi, and I teased her about that.
Why dont you just write Mum? I said.
我问: 为什么不直接写母亲呢?
I hadnt been aware that she always thought of herself as Cecilia Capuzzi.
Not as Mum. I began seeing her in a new light, this small delicate woman, who even in high-heeled shoes was barely one and a half meters tall.
She never wore make-up or jewelry except for a wedding ring of gold.
Her hair was fine,sleek and black and always put up in a knot in the neck.
She wouldnt hear of getting a haircut or a perm.
Her small silver-rimmed pince-nez only left her nose when she went to bed.
Whenever mum had finished a letter, she gave it to dad for him to post it.
Then she put the water on to boil, and we sat down at the table and talked about the good old days when our Italian-American family had been a family of ten: mum, dad and eight children.
Five boys and three girls. It is hard to understand that they had all moved away from home to work,enroll in the army, or get married. All except me.
Around next spring mum had got two more sons to write to.
Every evening she wrote three different letters which she gave to me and dad afterwards so we could add our greetings.
Little by little the rumour about mums letters spread.
One day a small woman knocked at our door. Her voice trembled as she asked: Is it true you write letters?
一天,一个矮小的女人来敲我们家的门,用颤抖的声音问: 你真的会写信吗?
I write to my sons.
And you can read too? whispered the woman.
The woman opened her bag and pulled out a pile of airmail letters. Read… please read them aloud to me.
女人打开背包,掏出一叠航空信。 请,请您大声读给我听好吗?
The letters were from the womans son who was a soldier in Europe, a red-haired boy who mum remembered having seen sitting with his brothers on the stairs in front of our house.
Mum read the letters one by one and translated them from English to Italian. The womans eyes welled up with tears.
Now I have to write to him, she said. But how was she going to do it?
我一定要给他写回信。 可是她该怎么办呢?
Make some coffee, Octavia, mum yelled to me in the living room while she took the woman with her into the kitchen and seated her at the table.
奥塔维娅,去冲杯咖啡来。 母亲在客厅大声叫我,然后把那女人领到厨房桌旁坐下,