
A couple of years later, I owned my own piano company, and when I advertised in that area, the postcards started coming to me.
For months, I ignored them –what else could I do?
But then, one day when I was in the area something came over me.
I had a red mahogany piano on my little truck.
Despite knowing that I was about to make a terrible business decision, I delivered the piano to her and told her I would carry the contract myself at $10 a month with no interest, and that would mean 52 payments.
I took the new piano in the house and placed it where I thought the roof would be least likely to rain on it.
I admonished her and the little girl to try to keep the chickens off of it, and I left-sure I had just thrown away a new piano.
But the payments came in, all 52 of them as agreed-sometime with coins taped to a 35 inch card in the envelope.
然而,所有五十二笔付款一一来到,正如双方所商定的。有时付款是一些硬币,用胶带粘在一个3 x 5英寸大小的卡片上,放在信封里。
It was incredible.
So, I put the incident out of my mind for 20 years.
Then one day I was in Memphis on other business, and after dinner at the Holiday Inn on Levee, I went into the lounge.
As I was sitting at the bar having an after dinner drink, I heard the most beautiful piano music behind me.
I looked around, and there was a lovely young woman playing a very nice grand piano.
Being a pianist of some ability myself, I was stunned by her virtuosity, and I picked up my drink and moved to a table beside her where I could listen and watch.
身为一个一定水准的钢琴家, 我仍被她精湛的技艺惊呆了。
She smiled at me, asked for requests, and when she took a break she sat down at my table.
“Aren't you the man who sold my grandma a piano a long time ago?”
It didn't ring a bell, so I asked her to explain.
She started to tell me, and I suddenly remembered.
她开始谈了起来。 忽然,我想起来了。
My Lord, it was her! It was the little barefoot girl in the feedsack dress!
She told me her name was Elise and since her grandmother couldn't afford to pay for lessons, she had learned to play by listening to the radio.