中国制造 美国对攻击性武器的需求(在线收听

 In May 2000, Representatives Nancy Pelosi, Pete Stark, and Carolyn McCarthy wrote a letter to their House counterparts urging them to deny China a far-reaching and highly-coveted trade status called Permanent Normal Trade Relations. In their warning, the three Democrats didn’t mention the potentially damaging economic or political ramifications of such a relationship with China or even invoke the country’s infamous human-rights record. Instead, they focused on one specific issue: semi-automatic weapons.

2000年5月,众议院议员Nancy Pelosi, Pete Stark以及 Carolyn McCarthy给众议院的其他同僚写了一封信,敦促他们不要授予对中国来说意义深远而又梦寐以求的贸易地位,即永久正常贸易关系。在这封信中,三名民主党人没有提及与中国建立这样的关系会产生怎样破坏性的经济或政治影响,也没有提及该国臭名昭著的人权记录。他们提及的是:半自动武器。
From 1987 until 1994, some 42 percent of all rifles imported into the United States had come from China. The representatives noted that an embargo had been imposed in 1994 because, in just a few years, China “had exported almost one million Chinese rifles to the United States—more than made by all U.S. manufacturers combined in 1992.” Conferring this new trade designation, they argued, would effectively unravel the embargo and allow assault rifles like the SKS semi-automatic to become cheaply available again. “What made them attractive was their power and inexpensive price, only $55.95,” they wrote of the SKS, noting its popularity among neo-Nazis, gangs, and white supremacists. The letter concluded, “Don't give China the power to decide gun policy in the United States.” The bill was signed into law that October.
Heated talk about semi-automatic weapons is, relatively speaking, only a somewhat recent development. After being adopted by the army in the 1960s, assault rifles were modified for sale to civilians in the late 1970s, but as late as the mid-’80s, American consumers didn’t express much interest in them. They were pricey and exotic, and to hunters, using a modified army weapon that fired lower caliber bullets than hunting rifles emblemized inefficiency.
Here is how Robert Spitzer, a professor of political science at SUNY Cortland and the author of several books on gun policy, frames the way Americans went from being uninterested in assault weapons to being passionate about them. “There’s no real market for the guns [in the ‘70s]. They’re not selling very well,” he says. “Part of it is that they’re expensive and people aren’t really acquainted with them.” But China’s relations with the United States began to improve around the same time that American manufacturers were introducing these semi-automatic weapons. “In the mid-to-late 1980s, the Chinese dump a lot of cheap, knock-off assault-style weapons on the American market,” Spitzer explains. “The cost is far less and there begins to be an appetite for these weapons.”
来自纽约州立大学科特兰分校的政治学教授兼几本枪支政策书籍的作者Robert Spitzer诉说了美国人如何从对突击步枪不感兴趣到对它们充满热爱。“70年代几乎不存在枪支市场。销售情况并不好,”他说。“部分原因是昂贵而且人们不了解这种枪支。”但是同一时间中国和美国的关系开始升温,所以美国厂家开始引进这些半自动武器。“在80年代中后期,中国向美国倾销了很多廉价仿制的攻击性武器,”他解释道。“价格更低,于是人们对这种武器的需求开始增加。”