
Book of Jeff Bezos
When one thinks of the individuals who have played a great role in the development of the Internet, names like Tim Burners Lee (developer of the World Wide Web), Bill Gates (Microsoft), Michael Dell (Dell Computer), Steve Jobs(Apple Computer) and Vint Cerf (Father of the Internet) spring to mind. Add Jeff Bezos to that list.
Jeff Bezos is the founder and CEO of Amazon.com, which is headquartered in Seattle, Washington, and ranked as the world's largest e-tailer. He is not exactly your typical CEO.
In fact, everything about him and his company Amazon.com challenges convention.
How else can you explain how a man who had an extremely successful career in Wall Street would leave his job, move across the US to Seattle, and start an e-company that would soon amass 10+ million customers in cyberspace?
Learn from competitors. Bezos seems as comfortable stealing ideas as he does inventing them. eBay is the rage?
Amazon begins holding auctions. Google is getting the headlines and Web searching is the hot business?
Bezos starts Amazon's own search engine, A9. And he is determined to make his company the Wal-Mart of the Internet.
Bezos has admitted to his copycat skill. He said, "We watch our competitors, learn from them, see the things that they were doing for customers and copy those things as much as we can."