【双语有声阅读】爱不停运转 从不静止(上)(在线收听

How Love Endures?
It's a year I could never have imagined happening, let alone getting through.
A year since I lost the love of my life, the man I expected to be with forever, the man whose face I still long to see when I wake up in the morning.
My husband, Rick, was the commander of the space shuttle Columbia.
Last February 1 he was supposed to come home to our two kids and me, but instead he went to his eternal home in heaven when the shuttle broke apart in midair over east Texas.
去年 2 月 1 日,他本该回到我们的两个孩子和我的身边,却因航天飞机在得克萨斯东部空中爆炸解体而归向永恒的天国之家。
I had admired Rick since high school. He was a year older, popular and good-looking.
For some couples, it's love at first sight. For Rick and me, it was love at first date. This guy was special. The evening proved it.
There was none of the first-date awkwardness—not even when he knocked over is water at dinner.
I don't remember a think about the movie we went to except for how right it felt to have his arm around me.
Neither of except for how right it felt to have his arm around me. Neither of us wanted the night to end.
We parked by the lake and talked.
That's when Rick told me about his dream of being an astronaut.
He had written to NASA for a list of the requirements: a master's degree in science, math or engineering, a good number of hours as a pilot—which was why he was going to the Air Force after graduation.
I was beyond impressed. We dated all through college and got married on February 27, 1982.