【双语有声阅读】爱不停运转 从不静止(下)(在线收听

Rick was chosen for US-British test pilot exchange program in 1992.
1992年,里克被选入美国— 英国皇家空军试飞员交换项目。
We moved to the English countryside, where our marriage grew to a deeper level with no barriers standing between us.
Later Rick applied a fourth time for the space program and got the call from NASA.
In Huston, no matter how tired Rick was after a long day of NASA training, he was 100 percent involved in family at home.
There was no sweeter music to me than the sound of our kids laughing with their Dad.
I was anxious at Rick's first shuttle mission, as pilot of the Discovery in 1999. The memory of the Challenger explosion was still clear.
我对里克作为 1999 年“发现”号的航天员首次执行飞行任务感到不安。“挑战者”爆炸事件在我脑海里记忆犹新。
The Discovery mission was a success so I was much at ease abut Rick's next trip, as commander of the Columbia, even though the launch date got put off several times.
I peacefully watched the shuttle lift off last January 16.
Then two weeks later as the Columbia entered the earth's atmosphere it broke apart.
It was like watching my whole life break into pieces and fall from the sky.
This February 27 would have been our 21 wedding anniversary. This last year has seemed very, very long.
今年 2 月 27 日本该是我俩结婚 22 周年纪念日。去年一年似乎非常漫长。
Grief seems to bring time to a halt. Yet love never stands still. Love is always going on.
There was a voice deep inside me that assured me I would be OK, the same voice that had brought me comfort during the other hard times in my life.
I knew I would have the strength to go on, and where that strength would come from. It was love that would save me now.