
Beauty Tips from Supermodel Cindy Crawford
When I met supermodel Cindy Crawford, I was amazed that her skin was so perfectly smooth that she appeared not to have pores.
She sits in one of the Hilton's best rooms and there are no light tricks used to make a photographic subject more beautiful than humanly possible.
This is Crawford without any makeup. Her full brows are arched with what seems to be military precision, the teeth are toothpaste-ad white, the eyes are melted-chocolate brown and the newly washed hair is ever so shining.
It is really only the beauty tips that matter when you are in a room with a woman who is constantly honored as one of the world's most beautiful.
Certainly she is one of the world's best-paid women whose job it is to look good.
So how does she look so good?
"I take care of myself. I drink a lot of water, I make sure I get enough sleep, I don't smoke, I'm not really a party girl, I exercise..." she says. "I work out three times a week. I think that is effective for me for maintenance."
“我会很好的照顾自己,喝大量的水,确保充足的睡眠,我不吸烟,也不常参加聚会,我常锻炼……” 她说道。“我每周出门工作三天。我想这些都能有效地保持美貌。”
Water, exercise and sleep aside, her secret is far more basic.
"I've got good genes. I'm lucky, my mum looks great, my three sisters look good." The genes would account for her lack of crow's feet or any other visible fine line. It is hard to believe her to be a mother of two kids.