
The Cats and Dogs Theory of Politics
Politics looks complicated but it's actually very simple.
As an ambitious leader you are looking for people to follow you,to be inspired by your ideas, and—most important of all—to love you.
Think of your loving supporters as pets and everything will fall into place.
As F. Scott Fitzgerald once said, "Almost everybody can be imagined as either a cat or a dog."
Dog-like supporters like to belong to packs.
They appreciate a strong leader who can tell them who to bark at, who to slobber over, and who to chase and tear apart.
To become the leader of the pack you need to understand dog politics.
You need to convince your supporters that you are: one of them; and Willing and able to put down any rival.
Dogs won't follow a leader who they suspect doesn't share their values and way of life.
You'll need to be tough and decisive. If you show signs of wanting to give up your leadership—for example by consulting the pack or acknowledging that maybe non-pack members have a point—then you're just asking to be attacked or dethroned. Real alphas know what's right by instinct.
They don't have to ask and they don't have to think. Your doggie followers will also need plenty of exercise.They need plenty of things to bark at, chase, and chew on so as to keep them occupied and out of trouble.
Cats are different. From a cat's point of view you are a servant. Cats are ambitious.However much food there is in their bowl, they always want more. Cats are status conscious.