【双语有声阅读】交际面面观 Levels of Communication(4)(在线收听

Levels of Communication 4
Emotional communication: involves sharing our emotions and feelings with another. We are sharing our inner-self when we allow others to know our heart. This is risky business! Societies place constraints upon the specific emotions (e.g., It's good to express love; it's bad to express hatred). We also have rules about when and how feelings can be expressed ("That was the wrong time and place for arguing with your wife.")
eg: I deeply appreciate your thoughtfulness and generosity in helping me earlier.
I'm so frustrated with you!
I wish that I hadn't called you that name. I hope that you'll forgive me.
He called me! I'm so excited to see him again!
The greater the need to communicate our feelings, the harder it is to do. Indeed, sharing our opinions and emotions is risky business. We minimize the risk when we move through the levels of communication step by step. That is, each conversation ought to begin with phatic communication and move through the levels before moving to the more intimate levels.
Generally, we communicate at the same level. There is a social convention to match levels. If the other starts a conversation at the evaluative level, we often feel compelled to respond similarly.