听歌学英语:亲恩勿伤 Christina Aguilera-Hurt(在线收听

Seems like it was yesterday when I saw your face你的脸浮现在我面前,感觉就像是昨天
You told me how proud you were, but I walked away你告诉我你多么以我为荣,但是我却丢给你一个背影
If only I knew what I know today如果当时我能像今天这样看清楚一切
Ooh, ooh

I would hold you in my arms我会拥抱你
I would take the pain away会为你带走痛苦
Thank you for all you've done我会感恩你为我所做的一切
Forgive all your mistakes原谅你所犯下的所有错
There's nothing I wouldn't do我愿意付出一切代价,只要
To hear your voice again能听到你的声音
Sometimes I wanna call you有时候我想给你打电话
But I know you won't be there但我知道你不会接听
Ohh I'm sorry for blaming you原谅我责备你
For everything I just couldn't do为了那些我无法做到的事情
And I've hurt myself by hurting you我伤害了你也伤了自己

Some days I feel broken inside but I won't admit有些日子我感到内心崩溃,但不会承认
Sometimes I just wanna hide 'cause it's you I miss想念你,却不能言说
And it's so hard to say goodbye说再见是多么困难的事情
When it comes to these rules当被这些条条框框所禁锢时

Would you tell me I was wrong?你会告诉我我错了吗
Would you help understand?你会帮助我明白这一切吗
Are you looking down upon me?你会看不起我吗
Are you proud of who I am?你会为我而自豪吗

There's nothing I wouldn't do什么我都愿意做
To have just one more chance只为拥有一次机会
To look into your eyes看你的眼睛
And see you looking back 在里面找到我

Ohh I'm sorry for blaming you原谅我责备你
For everything I just couldn't do为了那些我无法做到的事情
And I've hurt myself, ohh我已经伤害了自己

If I had just one more day如果再给我一天时间
I would tell you how much that I've missed you我会告诉你我多么想念你
Since you've been away自从你离开后

Ooh, it's dangerous这是多么危险
It's so out of line是多么不合常理
To try and turn back time想尝试让时间倒流
I'm sorry for blaming you原谅我责备你
For everything I just couldn't do为了那些我无法做到的事情
And I've hurt myself by hurting you伤害了你也伤害了我

hurt n.委屈;心灵创伤
His failure to live up to his parents' expectations left him with a feeling of deep hurt.辜负了父母的期望,他非常痛苦。
It was a severe hurt to her pride.这严重地伤害了她的自尊心。
There was a hurt look in her eyes.她的眼睛流露出一种委屈的神色。
I didn't hurt your pride on purpose.我不是故意伤你自尊心的。
v. 影响;损害;疼痛;受伤
How much do such fears hurt stocks?这种(民众)的担心对股票的影响有多大?
It won't hurt to postpone the meeting for a few more days.会议再推迟几天也无妨。
I was hurt, but you could not begin to comprehend or imagine the severity of my injury.我受伤了,但是你根本想象不到伤到了什么程度。

If only I knew what I know today如果当时我能像今天这样看清楚一切
If only 要是 ... 多好, 只要, 但愿
If only I could see him once. 要是能见他一次该多好啊。
If only I could speak perfect English!要是我能说一口流利的英语就好了!
If only there were forty-eight hours in a day.要是一天有48个小时就好了
If only it were so easy to escape one's destiny .要是逃避一个人的命运有那么简单就好了。

And it's so hard to say goodbye when it comes to these rules
when it comes to....一谈到;当提到;当谈到
Carol is no match for her mother when it comes to cooking.卡罗尔在烹饪方面不是她妈妈的对手。
When it comes to diet and exercise, we know what to do, but we don't do what we know. 当提到饮食和运动的时候,我们都知道怎么去做,但就是不去做。

It's so out of line to try and turn back time想让时间倒流 是多么不合常理
out of line: 出格;过分;越界; 与...不一致;不礼貌的,放肆的
Our end users here find your price too high and out of line with the prevailing market level. 我们的消费者认为你的价格太高了,而且和普遍的市场价比,高的过分了。
Sorry, I was really out of line for saying those things to you . 对不起,我不该对你谁那些过分的话。
His ideas are out of line with reality.他的想法不切实际。
Please excuse me if I'm being out of line.如果我有失礼之处请多多见谅。
