英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0704 - 你为啥还没对象?(在线收听

 Topic 1-Is Beijing Really Sinking?

According The Guardian, a British newspaper, excessive pumping of groundwater is causing the geology under Beijing to collapse. The headline "is Beijing sinking" has attracted wide attention. Is that true? The Beijing municipality responded with we've got it under control. Have we consumed way too much groundwater that is causing this?
Topic 2-Why You are Single?
Students at Hubei University of Technology have been asked to complete an unusual summer vacation assignment. That is to write a confession letter to evaluate their relationship status. The title is "Why are you still single".
Topic 3-Treasure Digging in a Small Village
Thousands of people rushed to a tea garden in Houzhang village in Zhejiang Province to dig up some red stones they believe are worth a fortune. Why are people so enthusiastic about treasure hunting?  