英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0706 - Chinglish 和 Beijinglish(在线收听

Topic 1-Class Offered to Students to Avoid Drowning
Some primary and secondary schools in Bengbu, Anhui Province, have set up special classrooms for the purpose of drowning prevention, and added the drowning prevention education into the curriculum. Is it necessary?
Topic 2-2015 Health Report of Beijing
The health report of Beijing citizens of the year 2015 has just been released. The top three diseases that cost more lives in Beijing last year were cancer, cardiovascular problems, and diabetes. What does it say about the health condition of Beijing locals?
Topic 3-Chinglish
There could be a fast track in learning a foreign language, that is using the pronunciation of your mother tongue to enunciate in the foreign language. Could it be helpful? Beijing locals have taken it up and created the Beijingish and residents in Huangzhou are doing something similar.            