英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0707 - 考不好对不起全班?(在线收听

Topic 1-200 Cities Launch Trial Operation of Zero Price Difference of Drugs
200 cities in China have launched a trial operation that reduces drug prices for patients and raises the service charge of medical staff. As a result, some hospitals that used to rely heavily on drug sale are seeing a great dip in revenue.
How will this new round of medical reform affect you and I?
Topic 2-China Joins International Organization for Migration
The International Organization for Migration or IOM has approved China's application to join the organization, which means China officially becomes a member state of this organization. Does it mean that China would receive refugees on a large scale in the future?
Topic 3-Students Apologize for Failing to Get Average Point in Exam
A teacher in a primary school in Yunnan Province told some students to stand on podium and apologize in front of the whole class. What heinous crime did these kids commit? Well, they failed to reach the average grade in an exam. The teacher explains this formal apology can encourage students to focus on their studies. Does it work?          