英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0708 - 东方人为啥都假谦虚?(在线收听

Topic 1-WeChat Official Accounts Compulsory Scan
This week, WeChat announced that starting from July, users are required to scan the QR code every time they log in to their official accounts for security purposes. Compulsory scanning of QR codes for WeChat official accounts has led to negative responses from many people prompting the question how we should strike a balance between users' experience and security.
Topic 2-Vouchers Offered to Discount Traffic Violation Fines
With a traffic violation coupon at hand, traffic rule offenders in Guanyun County, Jiangsu Province, can get a discount in ticket fines. Is it legitimate to offer a discount in traffic violation?
Local traffic police said it was also a creative way to promote awareness of traffic rules. Is it legitimate to offer a discount in traffic violation?
Topic 3-Chinese Tradition of Humility and Self-Effacement Disguises True Emotions
People from East Asian countries such as China may appear more modest, but study by psychologists indicates they are just as likely to be proud and self-confident as other cultures. Why do Asian people, especially Chinese people, prefer appearing modest?              