英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0711 - 遭外邦人吐槽的天朝习惯(在线收听

Topic 1-Hutong Gentrification: Modernization over Preservation
Over the last decade, Beijing's hutong gentrification has transformed residential slums into boulevards and skyscrapers. This process is of urban renewal always comes with one side effect of soaring housing and living expense. New gentrifiers move in, old residents priced out.
Is gentrification an inevitable move for Beijing and so many cities around the world?
Topic 2-Parents Wait in Line All Night to Get Their Kids Enrolled in Kindergarten
Parents in the city of Hefei have been seen lining up for over 24 hours in order to get their kids enrolled into a kindergarten. Many parents across the country have going through this exhausting waiting process.
Why is it so hard to get your kid in a kindergarten? What went wrong with kindergarten education in China?
Topic 3-Strange Behaviors of Chinese and Asian
See if your answer is yes to the following questions: do you store your pans and pots in the oven? Do you put your sewing equipment into a biscuit container? Apparently, it's only Chinese people who do it. Here are several things we do that shock Western people. Let's check them out!             