英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0712 - 一起去捉皮卡丘!(在线收听

Topic 1-Traffic, Environment Biggest Concerns for Livable Cities: Survey
According to a survey conducted by China Youth Daily, more than 75 percent of Chinese people consider commuting efficiency the most important factor in livable cities. This is the first time ever when traffic is ranked as the number one priority in such surveys. What makes a livable city?
Topic 2-Pokemon Go: Hot in China?
There are fads, there are crazes, and then there's Pokemon Go.
The game in the last few days has become the top downloaded, top grossing app in the U.S., New Zealand, and Australia. Although it has yet to officially arrive in China, but Chinese players are trying every way they can to have a go!
Topic 3-Summer Clothes Not to Wear in the Office
It is hot this summer! With the heat inevitably comes hot pants, flip-flops and low-cut T-shirts. While these things are likely fine for the beach, hot weather is no excuse for looking as if you just blew in from the beach.   