背诵为王 第 二 册 第 66 课(在线收听

Lesson66 Running
Your heart is pumping as fast as your feet are moving. You take great strides, building up speed, until you reach a good steady pace. Your sneakers are hitting the pavement over and over and the breeze is blowing in your face.
Running is an awesome way to enjoy the outdoors, build muscles, lose weight, and stay healthy. It's also a very important part of most other sports. So if you want to play football, basketball, or anything that requires speed, endurance, or general fitness, running will help you.
Running is often associated with a track team, but most people who run do it on their own. One of the coolest things about running is that there's always a style to match your interests, abilities, and attitudes. You can run at any speed, for any distance, or with as many or as few people as you like. Many teenagers find running an excellent way of keeping fit and strong. Let's listen to what they say about running.
“Running helps me stay relaxed. I enjoy racing and giving it all I've got.” “I started running 2 years ago with my sisters.
I try to run at least 2 miles a day.” “My favourite thing to do is distance running mainly because it's a challenge. I like to push myself to the limit and see how far I can go.” “I like to run because the kids at school make fun of me and running is my escape. It releases the stress from the school day. ”

pump  像唧筒似地运作, 跳动
stride 步幅
sneaker 运动鞋
associate 联系
style  类型
release  释放

