留美老师带你每日说英文 第528期:重新野化我们的世界(在线收听


All over the world, new movements are trying to catalyze the restoration of nature in a process called rewilding. This means undoing some of the damage we've caused, reestablishing species which have been driven out, and then stepping back.
1.catalyze 催化
catalyze (v.) 催化
catalyst (n.) 催化剂
2.restoration 恢复、复原
restoration (n.) 恢复、复原
restore (v.) 恢复
store (v.) 储藏
3.nature 大自然
nature (n.) 大自然
naturally (adv.) 自然而然地
mature (adj.) 成熟的
4.process 过程
process (n.) 过程
progress (n.) 前进、前行
5.damage 损害、损失
damage (n.) 损害、损失
damaging (adj.) 有害的
6.reestablish 重建
reestablish (v.) 重建
establish (v.) 建立、创办
7.species 物种
species (n.) 物种