英语悠选脱口秀 第18期:高中课程也能私人订制(在线收听


  Today's key word is: Tailor
  It means a person whose occupation is making fitted clothes 裁缝
  Here's an example:
  He was wearing a sports coat which had obviously been tailored in London.
  Now let's learn the word in the news:
  A Chinese high school student has got a personal tailored class schedule after he skipped many classes
  for his WeChat business.
  He opened a cosmetics shop with friends on WeChat last October.
  After discussion, the school made a special decision. They offered Yu a personal tailored class schedule, letting the student choose the subjects he needs to learn. The schedule includes English and Information Technology which Yu likes, and Geography which Yu needs to pass the exam this year to get his graduation certificate.