英语悠选脱口秀 第24期:奇葩人名大盘点(在线收听


  Today's key word is Unique 不是优衣库,也没有试衣间哦!
  Something that is unique is the only one of its kind.
  Here's an example:
  Everyone's fingerprints are unique.
  Now, let’s learn the word in the news. Chinese parents always rack their brains when trying to come up with a baby name.
  A journalist recently conducted a survey by collecting more than 3,000 pupils' names from 16 elementary schools in Hangzhou.
  A list of the most unique names has since been widely circulated on Chinese media. The most eye-catching one is 谢主隆恩 (xie zu long en), which means "Thanks for your great mercy", and it was only used to express gratitude to emperors in ancient China.
  It is said the owner of the name has a sister called 谢祖圣恩 (xie zu sheng en), which means the same.
  They are dubbed as "the Noblest Names".