英语悠选脱口秀 第32期:相亲量胸围 节操怎么量(在线收听


  Today's key word is Blind date.
  Blind date 相亲
  A blind date is an arrangement made for you to spend a romantic evening with someone you have never met before.
  This explanation is given by Collins English Dictionary. But I'm not sure if it is true especially in China now. At least, in today's news, the blind date was definitely not romantic at all. But before we go to today’s blind date, let take a look on how to use this phrase properly.
  Me and my boyfriend first met on a blind date arranged by my colleague.
  If you think the blind date is always one on one, then you will be surprised by this special blind date.
  In the city of Hangzhou, more than 3000 single men and women have attended an untraditional blind date. All the single ladies in this event have to wash away all their makeup. And they need to let men to measure their chest size. It is said to be aiming at finding a potential boyfriend, who doesn't a judge a woman based solely on their
  appearance (外表).
  What do you think about this blind date? If you are single, do you want to have a blind date? Or have you attended any blind date before?