英语悠选脱口秀 第36期:带你装X带你飞!(在线收听


  Today’s key word is Bicycle.
  Bicycle 自行车
  A bicycle is a vehicle with two wheels which you ride by sitting on it and pushing two pedals(踏板) with your feet.
  We can also call this vehicle — Bike.
  A bicycle rider is called a cyclist, or bicyclist.
  说到自行车,江湖上是无人不知,无人不晓。 它上可以参加国际大赛,下可骑去市场买菜。 那这个人类最伟大的发明之一,到底是由哪位天才哥哥发明的捏?
  Long long time ago, a German guy called Baron(男爵) Karl von Drais invented the first human means of transport to use only two wheels(轮子). People call it dandy horse or running machine. 但这是,this dandy horse is made of wood.
  此后几十年中,来自英国,法国等地的各路好汉(发明家)们,各展神通,渐渐的攒出了我们今天使用的bicycle自行车。在这个漫长的过程中,各种形状的bicycle 纷纷登场。前轮大,后轮小的。车座高入天际的。车座紧贴大地的。
  You name it.
  自行车的演变史,充分证明了 Human beings are very creative, However, the super bicycle we are talking about today is not just a bicycle anymore.
  It includes an array of (一大批)convenient smart functions(功能) such as a music player, an emergency call capability, as well as a navigation system and social networking. It can also act as a super health tool allowing the cyclist to monitor different health indicators(健康指标).
  The bike is designed to look like a bird in flight, boasting(标榜) a high level of fashion as well as functionality(功能性).