英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0727 - 北极熊的悲伤有谁懂?(在线收听

Topic 1-Delayed Air Travellers May Have to Pay for Own Food, Accommodation
According to a new rule issued by the Ministry of Transport, when a flight is delayed or cancelled for reasons including bad weather, emergency, passengers and air traffic control, the passengers should foot the bill of food and accommodation. Many potential passengers are unhappy about this, as many are threatening to boycott air travel in China altogether.
Toipc 2-The World's Saddest Polar Bear
A polar bear has been called the saddest polar bear in the world by many Chinese internet users, as he lives in an aquarium in a Guangzhou shopping mall.
Topic 3-Student Cards on Rental Boom during Summer Vacation
It's summer vacation time, most students are away from campus. It's also the time when the business of student cards rental is in high demand.
Why do people outside of universities want to rent student cards? Is it a problem?            