英语悠选脱口秀 第62期:外星人high翻美国(在线收听


  UFO Sighting In Long Beach California 1hr Ago。
  What was this crazy, silent light that just flew over California?
  That Crazy Blue UFO That Set The Night Sky Ablaze Wasn't A UFO... Or Was It?)4.
  That ain't no dam UFO thats goku doing the kamehameha。)5.
  That ufo was probably a school bus for alien children on a field trip to show them how bad life could be.
  Light seen in OC sky was confirmed through JWA [John Wayne Airport] tower to be a Naval test fire off the coast。There is no need to call 9117.
  Nice try, i know an alien when i see one。 Media is saying its just a navy missile testing but that's not as cool as a UFO so I'm gonna go with UFO!
  What’s your opinion? Do you believe it or not?