双语有声阅读:Listen to Your Heart心灵之约(在线收听


Welcome to today’s program at Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax. As an English teacher, my students come to me not only for English study, sometimes they bring up their personal problems and tend to find solutions from me, because I’m also their friend that they can talk to whenever they feel lost.
My answer is pretty simple, Listen to Your Heart.
Your Heart is a bridge andit is the source of your connection to the intimacywith all of life. This deep connection within your Heart is what fulfillsyou inlife. It is here, in your Heart, where you know and feel love.
Deep within the Heart of each one of us there is a voice of Knowing, a voice of Truth. This Truth, this Knowing, will never fail you nor will it ever fail me. Youcan trust this.
In those moments whenwe listen and follow our intuition, our inner wisdom, we are profoundly empowered.
As a matter of fact, the greatest benefit to me personally has been the joy, courage, passion, unconditional love and self acceptance I have come to know by listening and living from my Heart.
You’re listening to Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax. I’m Faith. Remember: Whenever you feel lost, just listen to your heart. Things will become simple, and your heart will lead you to find the truth.
当你迷茫的时候,你会做什么? 我的答案很简单,倾听你的心声。