英语悠选脱口秀 第78期:名字(在线收听


  Today’s key word is Name
  Name 名字
  The name of a person, place, or thing is the word or group of words that is used to identify them.
  Here is an example from :
  "Why is every inbred(天生的) rich guy named William?
  对于学英语的孩子们来说,起英文名应该是最先做的一件事了,And it is cool if somebody calls you by your English name.感觉超洋气。
  But, it is really difficult to find a proper and unique English name.今天我们就一起来看看歪果仁们最喜欢嗒名字和含义。希望对还纠结起英文名的童鞋有帮助。
  BabyCenter Canada has released the country’s top baby names of 2015. Emma and Liam are the queen and king of the year. Interestingly, the top three baby girls’ names have not changed since 2014.
  Emma: It means "whole" or "universal"(宇宙的). 也有文静的意思。It was also used by Jane Austen(简奥斯丁) for the central character, the matchmaker(媒人) Emma Woodhouse, in her novel 'Emma' .
  Olivia: 这个名字最早出现在莎士比亚的喜剧'Twelfth Night' 中. In the play Olivia is a noblewoman(贵妇人) who is wooed(追求) by Duke Orsino but instead falls in love with his messenger Cesario. 有橄榄树,和平者的意思。
  Sophia:Means "wisdom" in Greek. 这是一个古老的名字,在中世纪的欧洲大陆非常常见。
  Zoe: Means "life" in Greek。有生命,生活的意思。
  Avery: 这个名字呢,是从Alberich 演变来的,有elf and power的意思。
  Isabella:Isabella's meaning is Hebrew for "God is my satisfaction" or "God's hope."上帝的誓约Charlotte:有人评价这个名字说: it's feminine without being frilly, strong without being boyish. 娇柔而不虚饰;自强独立而不过于男性化。
  Lily:From the name of the flower, a symbol of purity。百合,纯洁的象征。
  排名前十的名字,It seems these names are not common in China.
  Personally, I like the name Zoe. It sounds full of energy. Which name do you like? And what is your English Name?
  男童鞋们,don’t worry. Nest time, we will talk about the top ten boy's names.