美丽新世界Brave New World 第14章(5)(在线收听

   The Savage had seized him by the collar, lifted him clear over the chair and, with a smart box on the ears, sent him howling away.

  His yells brought the Head Nurse hurrying to the rescue.
  "What have you been doing to him?" she demanded fiercely. "I won't have you striking the children."“你对他怎么啦?”她凶狠地追问,“我是不会让你打孩子的。”
  "Well then, keep them away from this bed." The Savage's voice was trembling with indigation.
  What are these filthy little brats doing here at all? It's disgraceful!
  "Disgraceful? But what do you mean?
  They're being death-conditioned. And I tell you," she warned him truculently,告诉你,我们正在给他们设置死亡条件,”她恶狠狠地警告,if I have any more of your interference with their conditioning, I'll send for the porters and have you thrown out.
  The Savage rose to his feet and took a couple of steps towards her.
  His movements and the expression on his face were so menacing that the nurse fell back in terror.
  With a great effort he checked himself and, without speaking, turned away and sat down again by the bed.
  Reassured, but with a dignity that was a trifle shrill and uncertain, "I've warned you,"said the nurse,护土放心了,带着稍嫌尖利的嗓门和不大有把握的尊严说,“你可要记住,我是警告过你的,”
  "I've warned you," said the nurse, "so mind." Still, she led the too inquisitive twins away and made them join in the game of hunt-the-zipper,不过她总算把那两个小“包打听”带走,让他们去玩“找拉链”去了。
  which had been organized by one of her colleagues at the other end of the room.
  "Run along now and have your cup of caffeine solution, dear," she said to the other nurse.
  The exercise of authority restored her confidence, made her feel better. "Now children!" she called.
  Linda had stirred uneasily, had opened her eyes for a moment, looked vaguely around, and then once more dropped off to sleep.
  Sitting beside her, the Savage tried hard to recapture his mood of a few minutes before.
  "A, B, C, vitamin D," he repeated to himself, as though the words were a spell that would restore the dead past to life.
  But the spell was ineffective.