双语有声阅读:Forever George永远的乔治(在线收听

Forever George
George Harrison was never the world’s greatest guitarist,vocalist or songwriter.But he was as essential to the Fab Four formula as John Lennon’s rebellious smile or Paul McCartney’s great cow eyes.He was“the quiet one”,the serious musician who held the beat together while John and Paul were skylarking1) at the mike.Beatles fans who screamed for George were a curious but dedicated minority.
Harrison’s grievances2) began from the moment he joined the Quarrymen,the skiffle group that was to metamorphose3) into the Beatles,as15-year-old school friend of McCartney’s in1958.The story goes that they let him in only because,unlike the others,he knew how to tune guitars and he happened to know how to play a then popular instrumental number.
Harrison was lead guitarist,traditionally a starring or costarring role.But in his case it would be neither.From the very first the band was dominated by Lennon and McCartney,by their energy,their rival sex appeal and their increasingly prolific and brilliant songwriting.Harrison’s main role was painfully mastering the guitar riffs to the Chuck Berry and Buddy Holly numbers that padded out their early albums.Shy,self-conscious and undemonstrative,he found himself relegated to an inner“second division”with Starr.
Although Harrison,too,soon began writing songs they were always doomed to be eclipsed by Lennon and McCartney’s torrential output.
His greatest influence within the Beatles came during their“Indian”period of 1966~1968.Harrison took up the sitar,became a pupil of the instrument‘s greatest living maestro4),Ravi Shankar,and brought a twangy Indian feel to Beatles tracks such as Within You Without You and Norwegian Wood.As Martin later remembered,it gave him an authority in the studio that he’d never had before.
The band’s break-up,an unofficial fact by1969although not officially ratified until 1971,had little to do with Harrison,being predominantly a fight to the finish between Lennon and McCartney over money,leadership and their respective new wives,Yoko and Linda.
永 远 的 乔 治