英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0728 - HPV疫苗,男女都要打!(在线收听

Topic 1-Video Training to Regulate Policemen's Law Enforcement
The Ministry of Public Security held a video training session Tuesday morning on how police officers should enforce the law in a standardized manner.
Will these measures be effective in regulated law enforcement procedures?
Topic 2-HPV Vaccine Analysis
Recently, an HPV vaccine Cervarix has been approved by the China Food and Drug Administration. The move has been supported by medical professionals as HPV vaccination could significantly reduce the incidence of cervical cancer. How useful will it be in protecting female health? Also, can men benefit from it too?
It shall become the first HPV vaccine entering China's market in 2017.
Topic 3-Good Things about Watching Cartoons
Your mom probably has said this before: don't watch too much cartoon! It will hurt your eyes and make you stupid! But now a young woman retrieves her lost smartphone, and she says it's because of watching Detective Conan all those years.
Can anything good come from watching cartoons?              