英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0729 - 感觉身体被掏空(在线收听

Topic 1-Noodle Gang
On July 1st, halal restaurant Alilan Beef Noodles opened its doors on Shanghai's famous East Nanjing Road. For 20 days, about 100 angry people, allegedly from the same Hui ethnic group but from Qinghai Province, surrounded the restaurant and blocked customers from coming in while threatening the staff. The incident has been called the events of the noodle gang on the internet.
After police involvement, the settlement is the old restaurant has finally agreed to leave Alilan restaurant alone. But Alilan has to take the characters of Beef out of its title.
Topic 2-Using the Internet at a Young Age
If you are a parent, you are probably very concerned with kid's early encounter with the internet. Official statistics show Chinese internet users under the age of 10 have exceeded 18 million as of the end of last year.
Topic 3-Viral Song Strikes a Chord with Overworked Professionals
A song called "So Far, the Sofa is So Far" has become a new internet hit overnight, dominating Chinese social media. It describes the feeling of your body is hollow for the reason of working overtime. Why is the song so popular?      