世界名牌博览:贝纳通(在线收听) |
贝纳通是贝纳通公司的品牌,成立于1965年,最初以生产手工编织套衫为主,后陆续推出休闲服、化妆品、玩具、泳装、眼镜、手表、文具、内衣、鞋、居家用品等。主要针对大众消费者,特别是年轻人和儿童,由总设计师朱丽安娜·贝纳通(1938年—)及200多名设计师共同设计、制作。充分体现新一代年轻人的价值观,在休闲服装生产领域,与美国加利福尼亚的埃斯普瑞(Esprit)并驾齐驱。 Benetton is a globally known fashion brand based in Italy. It was founded in 1965 by Luciano Benetton and other family members. He had the idea of selling very colorful clothes at a local market and it caught on. Continuing with this theme, the company marketed itself as the “United Colors of Benetton”. It now has 6,000 stores around the world and produces 150,000 items of clothing. Its website says it is “a group with a strong Italian character whose style, quality and passion are clearly seen in its brands.” Benetton is famous for its clever advertising campaigns. The company name was put on a series of shocking photographs, such as two horses mating or a bloodied newborn baby. The shock tactics worked to greatly increase market share and profits.
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