
博柏利(Burberry)是极具英国传统风格的奢侈品牌,其多层次的产品系列满足了不同年龄和性别消费者需求,公司采用零售、批发和授权许可等方式使其知名度享誉全球。博柏利(Burberry)创办于1856年 ,是英国皇室御用品。过去的几十年,Burberry主要以生产雨衣,伞具及丝巾为主,而今博柏利强调英国传统高贵的设计,赢取无数人的欢心,成为一个永恒的品牌。

Burberry is a classic, traditional fashion house founded by Thomas Burberry near London in 1856. The 21-year-old textiles trainee decided to start making and selling his own outdoor clothes. He invented the world-famous water-resistant fabric gabardine in 1888 and opened his first store in London’s fashionable Haymarket in 1891. Burberry created clothing for early explorers to the South Pole and Mount Everest. Gabardine and the traditional Burberry tartan check pattern are now company trademarks. They form part of a multi-billion-dollar company. It has branched out into perfumes, watches, sunglasses and accessories. It had some image problems in the 1980s and 1990s when it became popular with British football hooligans. However, rebranding in top fashion magazines has returned its luxury appeal.


