
安妮·弗兰克(1929—1945),德国犹太少女。她的家庭原居德国法兰克福市。纳粹兴起后,开始对犹太名族进行迫害,安妮全家迁至荷兰阿姆斯特丹避难。1942年6月12日,安妮生日,她收到的生日礼物中有一本日记本,遂开始写日记。 1929年生于德国法兰克福的一个犹太家庭。1933年希特勒上台,开始疯狂地迫害犹太人,弗兰克一家移居荷兰。第二次世界大战爆发后不久,德国法西斯占领了荷兰,在这里避难的犹太人同样遭到残酷迫害。为了逃避纳粹的逮捕、监禁和屠杀,弗兰克一家在朋友的帮助下,躲进父亲的公司大楼里一处隐蔽的地方,直到1944年8月有人告密,隐匿的8个人被捕并被关进了集中营。到战争结束,只有其父奥托一人生还。他整理了安妮在隐匿期间的日记,出版的引起关注,并被译成多种文字,就是《安妮日记》。

Anne Frank was a young Jewish German girl who gained international fame after her death following the publication of her diary. She wrote about her life, thoughts and experiences of hiding from the Nazis in World War II. Her account of her two years spent in an attic in Amsterdam became an international best seller. She died aged 15 in a German concentration camp.


Anne Frank was born in 1929 in Germany. Her father was a German officer from World War I. Anne was a very studious and diligent student who had a passion for books. She moved to Amsterdam with her family after Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933. She attended a Montessori school and was a very energetic and outgoing girl.


In June 1942, Anne received a notebook for her thirteenth birthday. She decided to use it as a diary and wrote about her dreams to become an actress. In July, she and her family were ordered to go to a work camp. Instead, they hid in the attic of her father’s workplace. They shared the small space with another family for two years.


In August 1944, German security police discovered the hideout and arrested its occupants. Anne was sent to the Auschwitz concentration camp. Anne died in March 1945 and was buried in a mass grave, the whereabouts of which is still unknown. Her diary was found and given to her father. It is one of the most widely read books in the world today.
