乔布斯传 第192期:五月的关键七天(在线收听

   Seven Days in May

  Thursday, May 23: At his regular Thursday meeting with his top lieutenants in the Macintosh division,5月23日,周四:在麦金塔部门的髙层例会上,Jobs told his inner circle about his plan to oust Sculley.
  乔布斯向核心成员讲述了自己推翻斯卡利的计划,He also confided in the corporate human resources director, Jay Elliot,他还向公司人力资源总监杰伊·埃利奥特透露了这个计划,who told him bluntly that the proposed rebellion wouldn't work.
  Elliot had talked to some board members and urged them to stand up for Jobs,埃利奥特曾和一些董事会成员谈过,力劝他们支持乔布斯,but he discovered that most of the board was with Sculley, as were most members of Apple's senior staff.
  Yet Jobs barreled ahead.
  He even revealed his plans to Gassee on a walk around the parking lot,他甚至还在去停车场的路上将自己的计划透露给了加西,despite the fact that Gassee had come from Paris to take his job.
  "I made the mistake of telling Gassee," Jobs wryly conceded years later.
  That evening Apple's general counsel Al Eisenstat had a small barbecue at his home for Sculley, Gassee, and their wives.
  When Gassee told Eisenstat what Jobs was plotting, he recommended that Gassee inform Sculley.
  "Steve was trying to raise a cabal and have a coup to get rid of John," Gassee recalled.
  "In the den of Al Eisenstat's house, I put my index finger lightly on John's breastbone and said,加西回忆说,“在阿尔·艾森斯塔特家,我用食指轻轻指着约翰的胸口,说,'If you leave tomorrow for China, you could be ousted. Steve's plotting to get rid of you.'"‘如果你明天出发去中国,就会被取代。史蒂夫正密谋除掉你。’”