学个词 Learn a Word-VOA英语教学 2599 cut off(在线收听

今天我们要学的词是 cut-off. Cut-off 作为形容词,有截止的意思。Brexit Secretary David Davis said the British government may set a cut-off entry date for European Union nationals who want to migrate to the U.K. 英国脱欧大臣戴维斯说,英国政府可能会规定一个欧盟公民移民英国的入境截止日期。South Korea's Olympic committee lifted its ban on Park Tae-hwan before the cut-off date to submit its finalized lineup of swimmers for the Rios Games. 韩国奥委会在递交参加里约热内卢夏季奥运会游泳参赛选手名单前取消了对朴泰桓的禁赛。好的,我们今天学习的词是 cut-off, cut-off, cut-off...
