Alphabet豪赌不休 华尔街捧场不止(在线收听

  A year after it surprised the world by announcing it would turn itself into tech holding company Alphabet, the company formerly known as Google is still working on its transformation.
  The job of reshuffling its portfolio of long-shot bets into a handful of more distinct, standalone divisions — and deciding which, if any, to shed — is incomplete. Nor have the financial foundations for such a restructuring been put in place.
  Founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, along with chairman Eric Schmidt and chief financial officer Ruth Porat, are still trying to work out the business models for some of the bets, and to set financial targets, according to people familiar with the process.
  知情人士表示,两位创始人拉里?佩奇(Larry Page)和谢尔盖?布林(Sergey Brin)以及董事长艾里克?施密特(Eric Schmidt)和首席财务官露丝?波拉特(Ruth Porat)仍在努力研究其中部分项目的商业模式,并制定财务目标。
  It is also unclear if or when some of these projects, from driverless cars to a healthcare arm that is trying to slow ageing, will pay off, even though the oldest ones are nearly a decade old. And there is still no external indication of how Alphabet decides where to place its bets or how wide-ranging they will be.
  Mr Page himself has been investing privately in start-ups outside the company, most conspicuously in trying to build flying cars — an idea that is too far-fetched even for the former Google, which always prided itself on taking on the biggest and riskiest ideas.
  But none of that has damped the mood among Alphabet’s investors. Wall Street has been more than willing to indulge Mr Page and Mr Brin; and the company’s shares have risen 45 per cent in the 13 months since the pair first showed signs of bringing tighter management disciplines to their sprawling set of “moonshot” projects.
  “The history of the internet is littered with people who didn’t make bets like these and destroyed shareholder value,” said Mark Mahaney, an analyst at RBC Capital Markets.
  “在互联网历史上,不下这样的赌注、从而摧毁股东价值的人比比皆是,”加拿大皇家银行资本市场(RBC Capital Markets)的分析师马克?马哈尼(Mark Mahaney)说。
  Yahoo, AOL and eBay are among the companies from the first wave of the internet whose relevance has faded because they failed to think hard enough about their long-term future, he said.
  Wall Street has another reason to indulge Google’s founders. Its core internet business has surged in recent quarters, unexpectedly boosting revenues and raising profit margins.
  Insiders say this is partly because of a fresh focus in the Google division under its new head, Sundar Pichai. Leading Google executives are no longer distracted by Mr Page’s personal interests — bordering on obsessions — in long-range ventures that have little connection with the internet advertising business that still generates more than 99 per cent of the company’s revenues.
  知情人表示,这部分是因为谷歌部门在新老板桑德尔?皮查伊(Sundar Pichai)执掌下有了新的重心,谷歌主要高管不再为佩奇近乎执念的个人兴趣而分心,他那些远大冒险计划与至今仍为公司创造99%以上收入的互联网广告业务毫无关联。
  Whatever the reason, Alphabet’s money-machine has been re-energised. In the second quarter of this year, Google overtook its old rival Microsoft in revenues for the first time, and Wall Street expects its revenues to surge past $100bn for the first time next year.
  None of this, however, guarantees that its search for a long-term future beyond internet advertising will yield results — or that the roughly 3 per cent of revenues spent on what it calls its “other bets” will not be money poured down the drain.
  然而,这些并不能保证Alphabet在互联网广告之外探索长远未来的行动就会有结果,也不能保证投入到“其他赌注”(other bets)上约占营收3%的资金不会打水漂。
  “The history of these central R&D ventures is not good,” Michael Cusumano, a professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, says of the research labs some of the biggest tech companies have run in the past.
  “这些核心研发(R&D)冒险活动的历史并不理想,”麻省理工学院(MIT)教授迈克尔?库苏马诺(Michael Cusumano)在谈起大型科技企业过去设立的一些研究实验室时表示。
  The lack of a precedent for the type of tech conglomerate Google’s founders are trying to create, and the vagueness of their aims for Alphabet, could add to the risks of failure.
  Mr Page has held up Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway as a model, though Mr Cusumano says “comparisons to Berkshire Hathaway are totally inappropriate. It’s not an investment fund — that’s not what Google is.” To be worth Alphabet’s attention, its non-core activities must at some point relate to its original business, he adds.
  佩奇把沃伦?巴菲特(Warren Buffett)的伯克希尔哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway)视为榜样,但库苏马诺说,“与伯克希尔哈撒韦对比根本就不合适。它不是投资基金,那并非谷歌的性质。”他接着说,值得Alphabet注意的是,它的非核心业务需要在某个时候与其老本行产生联系。
  A year into the experiment, there have been signs that the soaring costs at Alphabet’s non-core businesses have at least been brought under control, though Ms Porat has warned against reading too much into short-term variations in expenses.
  Inside the businesses, Ms Porat’s more rigorous approach to making investment decisions has had an effect. A mid-ranking employee at one of the divisions credits her with bringing greater certainty to the internal investment process, even if part of her job is to limit some of the spending.
  But while the new Alphabet structure has brought more financial control, it is still unclear how the group’s divisions will be ultimately be managed as they become more freestanding. Though there are parallels between Alphabet’s investment approach and the Silicon Valley start-up ecosystem, it remains a corporate conglomerate.
  The individual ventures do not have their own boards, and Alphabet has not introduced any equity arrangements to tie employees’ rewards to the success of their units — the kind of incentives that are a big attraction in joining a start-up. The company has relied instead on big cash bonuses, paid out when the newer businesses hit significant milestones, though that may not keep talent in the long term. The driverless car division has shed some of its top engineers in recent months after making big payments like these, according to a person familiar with the business.
  “This isn’t like being in a start-up — it’s like being in a family business, with mercurial venture-capital backers,” says an employee at one of the businesses.
  In some cases, the more rigorous analysis of Alphabet’s disparate operations has also exposed the need for different business approaches. The company’s high-speed broadband division, for example, was set up to provide more competition to rival networking companies, and to prod them to invest faster in their own fibre-optic systems, something that would help the core Google internet business.
  Now, as a freestanding division, the broadband business is searching for ways to reduce its hunger for capital and find new, cheaper technologies than fibre that will make it a profitable business in its own right — a hunt highlighted by its acquisition in June of the wireless internet access company WebPass.
  As the search for sustainable business models continues, Alphabet has held back from making any promises about when bets such as this will pay off. That makes it very different from Facebook, which has been far clearer in outlining its long-range plans, says Mr Mahaney. The social networking company has grouped its bets into ones it hopes will pay off in three, five and 10 years’ time.
  Speaking recently at the first shareholder meeting since its formation, Mr Schmidt gave the first indication that Alphabet is also trying to come up with a more rigorous timetable. It should at least be clear within three years which of the portfolio it refers to as its “other bets” will be worth pursuing, he said.
  But even if the long-term outlines and goals for Alphabet remain unclear, Wall Street is more than happy to stay patient. And if shareholders ever start to feel restless, there is always the huge profitability of the old Google business to reassure them.