
玛雅·安吉罗(Maya Angelou),1928年4月4日出生于美国密苏里州圣·路易斯市。美国黑人作家、诗人、剧作家、编辑、演员、导演和教师。在贫民窟的匮乏生活中长大的安吉罗曾当过厨师、电车售票员、女招待和舞蹈演员。随后的几十年她成为一位成功的歌手、演员、剧作家和导演,广泛涉足于戏剧、电影、音乐等领域,同时还是一位活跃的人权作家,一位非凡的女性。安吉罗是当代美国黑人女诗人中的杰出代表,她的诗歌创作从20世纪70年代延续到现在,迄今为止她已经出版了十几部诗集,并获得了多项大奖。她的诗歌代表着鲜明的民族主义立场、“黑色权力”(为黑人种族争取自由和平等)以及黑人妇女的觉醒。她是好莱坞第一位非裔女编剧,在卡特和福特两人政府内任职。

Maya Angelou is part of the fabric of modern America. She has told her story of being a key part of the civil rights movement through poetry, novels and film. She is best known for her six autobiographies, most notably ‘I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings’. In 1993, President Bill Clinton asked her to recite one of her poems at his inauguration.


Angelou was born in Missouri in 1928 into a deeply segregated society. Her parent’s divorce meant she was sent back and forth between her mother and grandmother. Her mother’s boyfriend raped her when she was eight. His later murder left Angelou mute for five years. She studied drama and literature at school, and three weeks after graduating, gave birth to her son.


Angelou struggled to survive for many years. She experienced poverty, crime, prostitution and her son being kidnapped. She won a scholarship to study dance. Her career as a singer and dancer took off. She moved to New York and acted in Broadway plays. She also met Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X and became active in the civil rights movement.


Angelou became, and is to this day, a prolific writer. She also toured the USA giving lectures, appeared in TV series and wrote songs. Her screenplay, ‘Georgia, Georgia’ was the first written by a black woman to be made into a movie. Angelou has been highly honored for her significant cultural contributions and has over 30 honorary degrees. She is an American legend.
