英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0810 - 红到“飞”的拔火罐(在线收听

Topic 1-Whole Villages Committing Crimes
Media reports have revealed that it's not rare to see almost all people of the same village participate in the same crime.
Why is that? Have morality been left behind in these villages?
Topic 2-Cupping Fan Michael Phelps
When Michael Phelps won his 19th gold medal at the 4x100 meter freestyle relay, people were wondering: What were those dark red or purple marks on his muscular shoulders?
For the Chinese, these blotches are very familiar. It's the result of an ancient Chinese healing technique called myofascial decompression, or cupping therapy.
Topic 3-Tipping by Scanning: Is it a good idea?
Recently, a "tipping" system has sprung up in some of Shanghai's popular restaurant chains. If customers feel satisfied with the service provided by the waiter, they can scan a QR code and give tips ranging from 3-5yuan.
Although some have said that this will give waiters an incentive to provide better quality service, others have noted that this system may not be suitable for every restaurant. Let's take a look.       