英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0808 - 同人小说(在线收听

Topic 1-Vocational Education is Becoming a Better Choice
In Shanghai, change is happening in the local education field with meritorious students of high grades seeking admission to vocational schools ~
Will Shanghai's efforts to train more talents with vocational skills pay off?
Topic 2-Is the Coke Era Coming to an End?
Coco Cola has taken a hit in sales and popularity. Just from the first half of 2016, Coco Cola's total revenues has seen a 4.6% drop. Pepsi hasn't been doing well either. Why are we seeing a decline in popularity for these soft drinks?
Topic 3-Fan Fiction: Soaring Popularity May Reach a Dead End?
Fan fiction is when someone takes either the story or characters of a certain piece of work, whether it is a novel, television show, movie, etc., and creates their own story based on it. (Urban Dictionary) It is often inspired by fans who feel that the plot is incomplete or just wants to see a happy ending with their favorite characters. Why is fan fiction popular with people?                     