美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2016-8-13(在线收听


This is AP news minute.

1. Donald Trump is blaming media bias after being accused threatening his democratic rival Hillary Clinton. In North Carolina Tuesday, the republican presidential nominee said second amendment people maybe could do something if Clinton tries to abolish the right to bear arms. 

2. A car hit demonstrators and gunfire was heard in Ferguson, Missouri Tuesday night. Some witnesses say some protestors may have fired guns at vehicle. Demonstrators were marking 2-years since a Ferguson police officer killed 18-year old Michael Brown. 

3. Police in Punta Gorda, Florida say a police officer accidentally shot and killed a woman during a citizens academy exercise. She was shot during a "Shoot, don't shoot" role-play. 

4. And search crews have covered the voyage data recorder from the EL Faro, a freighter that sank near the Bahamas during a hurricane last year. Investigators are still trying to figure out what happened before the ship went down. 

Matt Small, the Associated Press, with AP News Minute.
