
美国职业篮球联赛(National Basketball Association,简称NBA,中文简称“美职篮”)于1946年6月6日在纽约成立,是由北美三十支队伍组成的男子职业篮球联盟,美国四大职业体育联盟之一。汇集了全世界最顶级的球员,是世界上水平最高的篮球赛事。[1] 
NBA比赛分为季前赛 常规赛和季后赛。常规赛比赛采取主、客场制,每支球队在每个赛季中都要进行82场常规赛,各球队相互间的比赛场数不等。同一赛区的球队之间进行4场比赛;同一联盟不同赛区的球队之间进行3到4场比赛;不同联盟的球队之间进行2场比赛。当NBA出现劳资纠纷等特殊情况时比赛场次数会减少,称为缩水赛季。
The NBA (National Basketball Association) is the professional body that controls basketball in the U.S.A. and Canada. It consists of 30 franchised teams, of which 29 are in the U.S. and one is in Canada. It was founded in 1946 as the Basketball Association of America and changed its name three years later. The NBA is now a multi-billion-dollar business and has spread its appeal to an international audience. Many players from outside North America play in it, helping basketball become more popular. Among recent players is Yao Ming, who has increased basketball’s fan base in his native China. The 2009–10 season had a record 83 international players. This internationalization means the NBA is televised in over 200 countries.