
任天堂(英语Nintendo)是一家全球知名的娱乐厂商,电子游戏业三巨头之一,现代电子游戏产业的开创者。[1]  始建于1889年9月23日,创始人山内房治郎。主营业务为家用机和掌机的软硬件开发与发行。[1]  任天堂开发了游戏史上最热销游戏系列超级马里奥和精灵宝可梦,以及全球媒体综合评价最高的塞尔达传说系列。
2007年,任天堂的市值排在日本第二位。[2]  任天堂DS累积销量接近1.5亿台。[3]  2009全球最佳企业40强排行榜,任天堂排名全球第一。[3]  任天堂在全球游戏业中始终坚持反对暴力和色情,[4]  并以开发优秀的全年龄游戏为已任,[4]  保持着弥足珍贵的社会责任和企业操守[4]  。
Nintendo is a Japan-based multinational video game manufacturer and developer. It was founded in 1889 by Fusajiro Yamauchi as a maker of Japanese handmade hanafuda cards. The company tried various industries over the next century before turning to toys in 1966 and video games in 1977. It became one of the most popular and most influential in the world. It is also Japan’s third most valuable company, with a value of almost $100 billion. The company website says ‘Nintendo’ means ‘Leave luck to Heaven’. A game developer called Shigeru Miyamoto was hired by Nintendo and he changed the company’s fortunes with successes like Donkey Kong and Super Mario. Miyamoto is now a gaming superstar. The introduction of the Nintendo DS and the Wii game console further established Nintendo as a major player.