
荷兰皇家壳牌集团(Royal Dutch /Shell Group of Companies),又译“蚬壳”,是目前世界第一大石油公司,总部位于荷兰海牙和英国伦敦,由荷兰皇家石油与英国的壳牌两家公司合并组成。它是国际上主要的石油、天然气和石油化工的生产商,同时也是全球最大的汽车燃油和润滑油零售商。它亦为液化天然气行业的先驱,并在融资、管理和经营方面拥有相当丰富的经验。业务遍及全球140个国家,雇员近9万人,油、气产量分别占世界总产量的3%和3.5%。作为荷兰最大的工业公司,其在2012年《财富》杂志世界500强中名列第1位。
Royal Dutch Shell, known worldwide simply as Shell, is an Anglo-Dutch petroleum company. It is one of the six largest oil exploration, natural gas, and petroleum companies in the world and was listed as the world's eighth largest company in 2010. Shell was created in 1907 when Holland’s Royal Dutch Petroleum Company and Britain’s "Shell" Transport and Trading Company merged. Its distinctive yellow and red shell logo is one of the most recognizable on the planet. The company website says: “We are a global group of energy and petrochemicals companies with around 101,000 employees in more than 90 countries and territories. Our innovative approach ensures we are ready to help tackle the challenges of the new energy future.” Shell produces 2% of the world’s oil and 3% of gas. It has 44,000 service stations worldwide.