
Twitter[1]  (非官方汉语通称推特)是一家美国社交网络及微博客服务的网站,是全球互联网上访问量最大的十个网站之一。是微博客的典型应用。它可以让用户更新不超过140个字符的消息,这些消息也被称作“推文(Tweet)”。这个服务是由杰克·多西在2006年3月创办并在当年7月启动的。Twitter在全世界都非常流行, 据Twitter现任CEO迪克·科斯特洛宣布,截至2012年3月,Twitter共有1.4亿活跃用户,Twitter被形容为“互联网的短信服务”。
Twitter[2]  是一个广受欢迎的社交网络及微博客服务的网站,允许用户将自己的最新动态和想法以移动电话中的短信息形式(推文)发布(发推),可绑定IM即时通讯软件。所有的Twitter消息都被限制在140个字符之内。2006年,博客技术先驱创始人埃文·威廉姆斯(Evan Williams)创建的新兴公司Obvious推出了大微博服务。在最初阶段,这项服务只是用于向好友的手机发送文本信息。
Twitter is one of the most popular social networking and micro-blogging services in the world. It allows account users to send 140-character updates on anything they choose, and for people to follow different users. It was created in 2006 by Jack Dorsey and now has more than 100 million users. Dorsey describes the word “twitter” as being “just perfect”. He said it means "a short burst of inconsequential information… and that’s exactly what the product was.” Twitter is used to keep in contact with friends, to network and keep up-to-date professionally, and as a source of world news. One analyst described 41% of twitter messages as being “pointless babble”. Twitter is one of the 50-highest-ranked websites and is rising steadily. It has enormous growth and revenue potential.