听歌学英语:Mona Lisa-The Lonely Island(在线收听

What's up y'all?This is Conner4Real

近来如何 我是Conner4Real(电影popstar的人物)

You know I've beenall around the world, right?

如你们所知 我在周游世界

But tonight I'm onmy dumb shit

但今晚 我踏上了愚蠢的征途

I'm headed toParis at a quarter to noon

11点45 我飞往巴黎

So excited to seeher, I went straight to the Louvre

心中期待见到她 我直奔卢浮宫

I heard she'sexquisite, so I bought my ticket

耳闻她精致高雅 我当即买了门票

Pushed my way tothe front of the crowd

穿越拥挤的人群 只为目睹佳人

And I couldn'tbelieve what I saw

我完全不敢相信 她就是”她“

Mona Lisa, you'rean overrated piece of shit

蒙娜丽莎 你被高估 夸大

With your terriblestyle and your dead shark eyes

邋遢的风格 一双死鱼眼

And your smirklike you're hiding a dick

你微笑的模样 像个傻逼

What the fuck isthis garbage?


Mona Lisa, theoriginal basic bitch

蒙娜丽莎 传说中的美 本质上的婊

Traveled thousandsof miles to see your beautiful smile

跨越千里 只为一睹你神秘微笑

Talk about a baitand switch, you ugly

归根结底 你就是个丑陋的骗子

I'm headed toCairo to see the pyramids

我前往开罗 观赏金字塔

But what did Ifind there? A dirty pile of bricks

但是我发现了啥 一堆破转破瓦

There was trashall over and a very foul odor

垃圾成堆 散发恶臭

The smell was outof a camel's ass

这味道 酷似骆驼在放屁

But even thatwasn't as bad as

与屁气比 绰绰有余

Mona Lisa, you'reworse than the pyramids

蒙娜丽莎 你比金字塔还糟糕

Can someoneexplain why the whole wide world

谁能给我解释下 为什么全世界

Is obsessed with aGarbage Pail Kid


Looks like aGarbage Pail Kid


And DaVinci musthave sucked an art historian's dick


To get this girlwho looked like uncooked bread


At the top of theall-time list of paintings


Mona Lisa, I gotto know

蒙娜丽莎 我就是想知道

Where the fuck areyour eyebrows, I really wanna know

你他妈眉毛去哪了 我太想知道了

You could land ahelicopter on that big potato forehead

一定是直升机 在你大土豆般前额着陆

Get this chicksome Rogaine

快给这个少妇 抹点生发剂吧

You a bloatedporpse, girl

天啊 你看起来就像浮肿的尸体 【You a bloated corpse,girl】

I'm an Americanman, this is my native land

我是美国人 在我的本土

Where no one liesabout paintings

关于作品艺术 人人坦诚

But that's not thecase in France

在法国 情况大相径庭

Where the nakedladies dance and they look like Dennis Franz

裸女郎在跳舞 看起来又胖又丑

You're so mangy,Mona

你是如此污秽不堪 蒙娜丽莎

Hair part widerthan a country road


Unless you countcats, she died alone-a


The Mona Lisasucks, la da da da da

蒙娜丽莎 你真糟糕 就是个骗子啊


I'm headed toParis at a quarter to noon

11点45 我飞往巴黎

Head to前往;引至,通到;<非正>引出结果


Head toyour nearest ice rink for fun and fitness.


Disobeyingthe law can head to trouble.


I heard she'sexquisite, so I bought my ticket

耳闻她精致高雅 我当即买了门票



Thehostess had exquisite taste in clothes.


The girlcame up with a set of exquisite stamps.


There was trashall over and a very foul odor

垃圾成堆 散发恶臭

all over遍布,到处


I acheall over.


I'velooked for it all over the shop.

